Gala celebration of the birth of film and television entertainment programs 70

Gala celebration of the birth of film and television entertainment programs 70 -You can not doubt that most of us take for granted that TV. After all, it already exists until we have, but also in the field of electricity and running water, our common home.
None of us can not imagine not being able to put pressure on cable or satellite via a button on the remote control as well as hundreds of television at any given moment of product selection. Most of us in the number of our country, so these children can receive our entertainment needs, and we would like to see the "world" and "Desperate Housewives" or "important programs and their survivors."
And to see a couple of different programs or activate the TiVo to record it for later viewing each program.

TV Story significantly different in 1936 when ABC, June 29 (Indianapolis) in the manufacture and installation of transmission, BBC Indianapolis (NBC), included in each administrative authority that the first direct television program.
Radio is also very active during the Great Depression, and RCA / NBC in the depth of the working group leader. These plants were successfully recovered and broadcast programmers new dimension to the line of opportunities for radio. So-called "TV" set up the data correctly, it literally means "so far."

On this day 70 years in June, it's David Sarnoff, chairman of RCA, hoping to get to retailers, their wireless, the manufacturers and distributors to expand into this new area of television.
Used the building of imperial state television broadcast display high definition TV (343 lines), and RCA licensees. The program consists of gen. Major James Harbord · (Board of Directors, Chairman of RCA) made a statement, and David Sarnoff (RCA president) and path (Vice-President of Indianapolis, and in patent fees, trademark ). This includes dancers and live military exercises of the film. After dinner held in honor of this event model in Waldorf.
It is the world's first real dinner TV! Note: This is found on any claim ever in Indianapolis or the National Broadcasting Company.
Learn the only known surviving photographs of private sector activity can be seen as follows:
Explanations of this picture is:
After study of high resolution television system shows RCA was founded 36 years on 29 June "

Shortly thereafter, especially successful and decided to strengthen planning, called in November to the public and the media after the largest demonstration of television. This time there will be no professional actors, singers and artists, live performance.

Place of entertainment, television, and November 6, 1936 Born music

There are broadcast in history as the use of all these talents is truly a milestone for the first time on live television to complete. Into account the following press release the full picture, and I think this is the only known complete:
He said: "Experimental demonstration of television news
Building on NBC Indianapolis, Radio City, New York, November 6, 1936 NBC News and TV RCA development
Broadcasting television programs that appear in the press today (Friday, November 6) in the program 40 minutes before the National Company for Indianapolis radio shows experimental development. These pictures are from the beginning of the broadcast transmission Empire State Building, and the RCA building at 62 floors welcome.
David Sarnoff, president of the Foundation since September 1 engineers to conduct field tests of the final results. River Linux Flor, NBC President of the Republic, and raised in the discussion of air show real problem in stages.
Form four characteristics are not included in the front of the television news demo. This is the first time by RCA, ABC News correspondent in accordance with actual conditions of work, although the demonstration in front of television and the laboratory. It was built in entertainment value, and demonstration of a comprehensive transition program for first time on screen. It also includes a new pipeline to obtain a 12-inch and 10-inch reproduction of the first picture of the screen 7 and a half. This screen is the largest in the world trade adjustment.
Fourth function is the model behind the scenes in a television interview. And guests of the preparation of special funds for the transfer of film images, television studios of NBC building in Indianapolis and the Empire State Building offices. Line in front of the receiver is installed in the viewer to see the show, so the "talent show live" image in the air, watching animation film during the scanning process, and detailed monitoring of the actual operation of sophisticated television equipment.
Besides talks, Mr. Sarnoff and laugh out loud, but behind the scenes of the film is public acceptance Inkspots (* point ink, see footnote), the comedy team colors, Hildegarde "TV marriage, and the characteristics of songs. The film showed Baobo Benchley Short news box on the TV screen. The program consists of Betty Goodwin announced that the U.S. administration by NBC News.
The demonstration of the river, Ralph Bell, and monitoring the company's American Radio, Director of Research, O (scar) by Hansen, the chief architect on NBC, Charles W. Horne *, research and development, the management of the BBC. Engineer explained that many of the problems and the distribution and production continues to be authorized on a scale and television business can be trying.
This event is a test of the TV RCA, since then, according to areas of operation, the actual TV Indianapolis to create a special facility, told reporters that the BBC and watch DVD Gongzuo Tiao Jiandi.
This task includes the work of the studio to adapt to TV technology and equipment in these studios and installed on top of the Empire State Building, the report seems to transfer images of projects, and training personnel to work in the factory transmitter.

River Linux Flor, NBC, NBC News on TV in the next president to hold talks
November 6, 1936 by NBC TV news version
Linux in the press statement LOL
Building on NBC Indianapolis, Radio City, New York
November 6, 1936
Lennox to the river haha, NBC, speaking in the U.S. NBC, TV news pilot demonstrations of the President Sarnoff Indianapolis:
NBC in 2006, the name, I would like to express sincere Welcome to the top floor which had gathered to watch television releases. Today we see the tireless efforts of many people who are part of the results and the enormous costs for many years. These efforts may determine your success. However, eventually, the TV was from the laboratory to the field, control, and this will ensure that it is not, it is for people who have requirements of service .
ABC-TV will be the role of transfer of operational, programming, and when turned into commercial use, to be sure that the sponsors of the draft resolution. To be ready to make our power, our engineers every day and in accordance with the conditions of service in the air, and the actual devices.
We have programs to learn new techniques in the continuity of the writing and grading system, and other details, but this requires a lot of new art. He is experimenting with the action plan to determine the impact of television to sell products.
Our network engineers are studying the economy to make some points related to coaxial cable for transmission of short waves, and the development of manufacturing industry abroad pickup equipment. With experience, and we win every day, we believe that when the time comes to television to the public, national radio company to be ready to play its role. When you see the pace of it and the other day on TV, you will see the results, mainly because of the vision of Mr and David Sarnoff, ABC, which is now talking to you, Mr. President institutions.

The statement was issued and television, according to David Sarnoff, president of the Foundation in November 6, 1936
I have the commitment of the position of public interest and sound in the air, and we invite you here today to attend the experimental research on the TV in this new and promising progress in art is a reflection of the fact that the public rather than
Smoke from speculation and speculation.

You may recall that we are alone in the TV field tests earlier this year on June 29. Marks in the history of the organization in the country between the TV transmitter in the number of test regularly and to start a family. Since then, should we have achieved progress and further progress in the development of research three main TV to a point on the road, and you do Zhuanshu Xiao Shi Tong Jieshouguangfan Front and technical Jin Bo, Jiating Zhuan Ji Hua Shi and tell us in performance Shi Xian and field tests to determine the need and public services will ultimately allow us to see and hear in the air and the possibility of the program. They all bring some progress and we almost expected end position.

Interest first and immediately, and let me tell you the progress of the field tests we have. As you know, we have from which we can transfer the Empire State Building in New York studios of NBC Television in the control of the TV building Indianapolis. By monitoring and measuring the metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs in the experiment receive digital broadcasts. The results so far are encouraging and useful. As expected, and should be designed to meet the needs of very clear from these experiences.

We successfully transmitted through the air, and a talent for the film before, and a television interview. Reception of television programs off directly above expectations. Who's in a good position because of the substantial increase of our transmitter, and we always go up to 45 miles from the Empire State Building.

These tests in this very source of inspiration for us to learn more about the Foreign Minister, and how to deal with it. We understand that the more intervention, especially human, and eliminate the risk. We have overcome difficulties working outside the laboratory instrument. We emphasized the solid foundations of our system technology, and through these tests of experience enable us to obtain practical television programming services.

We are expanding in many areas of our field test. First, we should notice that increasing the number of points in the service sector. Then, we will broadcast standards.

In our experiments, the current field, we use the definition of 343 lines. Recommended by NBC and broadcast on Radio Manufacturers Association, which is determined for U.S. Federal Communications Commission along 441 business and adoption of standards. And we will have a transmitter in New York rearranged to meet the proposed standards. This also means that construction in the same receiver, transmitter to meet the new standards. Both transfer and receipt of equipment and a television station, as that will give satisfactory products and to provide useful service to the requirements of public accountability. First, the criteria can be frozen or early in the process of implementation can prevent the other hand, frequent changes in standards of old television equipment quickly.

Basic research is an ongoing process in the laboratory, not just TV, it can be to resolve this problem, and the development of short waves and very small, have great potential in the air that new areas for other purposes.

Despite the fact that we are aspects of TV technology and building a television studio, enabling us to coordinate our technologies and services for family planning, in the end will need technological advances. Today, you are alone RCA radio, and guests NBC. According to the instructions of the President, Mr. Lowell Linux, the U.S. established the National Broadcasting Company television program, and we try to define requirements for the initial test.

Ten years ago, NBC began a national audio media. Now, it contributes to access to infrastructure and expertise, and new services, television, arts, and the second decade.
A major problem in television is that the network feed. Voice broadcasting, covering large areas of the United States and distributed to 128 million installations of the list. Television coverage will be similar to the situation of the arts in television, needing to maintain a transmitter and a wired or wireless network infrastructure development through the interconnection of diversity.
Our plan is three times, first to develop appropriate commercial and television receiving equipment on the other hand, we must develop a plan for collecting relevant network services and, thirdly, we must establish a sound economic basis to support television services.

In terms of research and development laboratories, and Display Technology, and progress in television in the United States to continue our leadership in the development of art no doubt. Our study led to some form of this progress can be clearly and in other countries, to expand the horizons of radio every day, in this technological development has made the transmission and reception meet the highest standards of Jane Chi demonstration took place in this area .

Now we are in the studio and the technical capabilities of the program will be in contact with all the art within the scope of growth and progress. TV at home and abroad is the difference between different public services and experience to a lesser extent, government's huge public support for freedom and initiatives to companies for business development, and those who have created art in the gradual process of capital U.S..

Although television is a difficult problem, and I think that will resolve these differences. By supplementing the TV public service rather than replace existing television services, a new industry and new opportunities for creating and establishing

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