Two Nations Initiative Cinco de Mayo, A Prayer

Two Nations Initiative Cinco de Mayo, A Prayer - Hispanic Prayer Network, GeneralsInternational and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, tambiénconocida as the National Hispanic Association of Evangelicals, have joined in Prayer laIniciativa Cinco de Mayo.
The national prayer initiative, which began on April 15 from 2011 and ends today, the United States argued providentially coincides with the National Day of Prayer.

Prayer Initiative May delCinco up prayer, intercession and fasting for andMexico U.S. border and to raise awareness of the alarming problems facing the two nations as violence, murder, trafficking, smuggling, elsecuestro and drug cartels NHCLC reported.

Mexican government so much as the U.S. are trabajandopara address this growing problem, but despite isolated results nose has managed to control the border.

"As Christians of both nations, it is time deque recognize our responsibility before God and men stand in the gap ponernosde according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and ask the Lord to sanenuestras nations," said Mark Gonzalez, founder of Prayer Network and the United States Hispanic Network AcciónHispana U.S..

The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the lessthan Hispanic organization in the nation, he said, Cincode Prayer Initiative May is spiritual history be manufactured. Eshora of our countries, peoples of America and Mexico and throughout of the border, to join in the prayer of intercession, for a chain of three broken nose, but to intercede for the sake of justice, praying that Powerto of God seapuesto released by tangible progress to be held in nuestrastierras. NHCLC strongly supports aligned with these grandesministerios and this historic prayer initiative. "

The initiative was bilingual conintercesores of Mexico and the U.S.. Events include 21 days of prayer in Biblical elInstituto Christ for the Nations in Dallas, 21-Days Workshop on Frontiers deOración covering all entry points of the border along Mexico-US leaders led by Texas, Arizona and California.

Simultaneous to the Cinco de Mayo, the National Day of Prayer held advocacy meetings in cities in the United States argued, Mexico and the United States-Mexico border and cultode night of Cinco de Mayo Intercession of Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas.

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